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- The Assassin Guide Part 2
Assasin Stat Build
Kelas Assasin berkisar akan Light Armor dan Daggers. Kerusakan dagger berasal dari stat dexterity (Agility). dexterity akan meempengaruhi akurasi, hindaran , dan kritikal hits. Ada pro dan kontra untuk setiap membangun assassin, tetapi sangat dianjurkan untuk tetap salah satu dari tiga cara membangun assassin tersebut.
Pure Dex Build
Setiap Level: 1 Str, Dex 4
Kelebihannya : Menjaga rasio kerusakan tinggi dan tingkat kritikal yang tinggi.
Kekurangannya : Agak rapuh.
Hybrid Build
Setiap Level Genap : 1 Str, Dex 4
Setiap Level Ganjil: 1 Str, 1 Vit, 3 Dex
Kelebihannya : rasio serangan seimbang, dan dapat bertahan lebih beberapa hits dari lawan
Kekurangannya : Setiap pertarungan akan mengambil sedikit waktu yang lebih lama untuk menang.
Vitalitas Build
Setiap Level: 1 Str, 1 Vit, 3 Dex
Kelebihannya: Kebanyakan HP 3x lipat dan dapat bertahan beberapa pukulan yang keras lawan.
Kekurangannya : kerusakan rendah dan rasio kritis, kehilangan 1% kritis setiap 20 tingkat dibandingkan dengan Pure Dex build.
Catatan: Dalam rangka menjaga up to date senjata dan baju tempur ringan, 1 Str dan Dex 3 benar-benar penting.
Assasin Fokus
Kelas Assasin sangat bervariasi dalam hal gaya permainan, sehingga mengapa banyak argumen dan perdebatan berlarut-larut dalam percakapan tentang keterampilan dan menggunakan mereka. Setiap keterampilan sebenarnya memiliki itu kegunaan dan efisiensi sendiri. Semakin lama Anda bermain Assasin, semakin Anda menyadari efektivitas setiap keterampilan bila digunakan dengan benar dan efisien. Akan selalu ada perdebatan mengenai apakah atau tidak keterampilan efektif, tapi Anda harus terlebih dahulu mempertanyakan mana fokus Anda bertujuan untuk mempertanyakan terlebih dahulu sebelum orang lain. Hanya karena satu keterampilan tidak menarik bagi Anda tidak berarti itu tidak akan menarik bagi yang lain.
Assault Fokus
Orang-orang dengan pola pikir ini sebagian besar akan MP berat dengan pola pikir bahwa setiap sedikit kerusakan menambahkan hingga kecepatan membunuh dan itu adalah kecepatan membunuh yang menentukan berapa banyak kerusakan yang diambil per rakasa. Dengan sedikit keyakinan dalam pertahanan, mereka dengan fokus ini akan lebih berkonsentrasi pada Chi dan Kerusakan Keterampilan. Ditambahkan efek akan tampak hanya bonus untuk membunuh kepada mereka dengan fokus ini. Channel dan Cast juga akan memainkan peran besar untuk pengambilan keputusan mereka. Meskipun Skilling harus memperlambat sekitar tingkat 65 +.
Defensive Fokus
Orang-orang dengan pola pikir ini tidak akan seperti MP berat sebagai orang-orang dengan Focus Assault. Keterampilan serangan hanya sekunder untuk hidup sendiri. Mereka dengan keyakinan ini akan lebih Spirit Poin (SP) mereka berkonsentrasi menjadi keterampilan yang meminimalkan kerusakan yang membutuhkan. Serangan sangat penting bagi mereka dengan fokus ini, tapi terlalu banyak akan tampak seperti beban daripada membantu. Dengan fokus ini, kerusakan tidak penting, sehingga jika keterampilan ofensif tidak memenuhi kriteria tertentu mereka akan melihatnya sebagai tidak berguna. Padahal, penanggulangan defensif tidak berarti sebanyak sekitar tingkat 65 +.
PvP Fokus
Orang-orang dengan pola pikir ini akan menjadi yang paling berorientasi dari mereka semua jangkauan. Fokus mereka bertujuan terhadap membunuh lawan mereka dari semua sudut dan membunuh mereka secepat mungkin. Mereka meminimalkan konsumsi Spirit oleh hanya bertujuan untuk serangan kritikal dan keterampilan pertahanan, meninggalkan sisanya untuk mobilitas dan jangkauan. Mereka dengan fokus ini akan menjadi mahir dalam PvP, tetapi paling tidak efisien dalam PvE bila dibandingkan dengan yang lain fokus. Ini adalah fokus yang Anda ingin ketika Anda memutuskan untuk memperlambat pada tingkat dan lebih berkonsentrasi pada PvP.
Speed Fokus
Paling langka berkembang biak dari mereka semua, orang-orang dengan fokus kecepatan. Orang-orang dengan pola pikir ini adalah minimalis dalam hal keterampilan dan berkonsentrasi semangat mereka lebih ke keterampilan membangun chi saja. Tujuan mereka adalah untuk mengoptimalkan efisiensi letusan burst dan membunuh dengan cepat dengan sebagai sedikit MP dikonsumsi sebagai mungkin. Alih-alih berfokus pada keterampilan, mereka bertujuan lebih ke arah gigi yang kecepatan serangan mereka dan tingkat kritikal yang tinggi . Gerakan adalah plus, tetapi tidak penting untuk orang-orang dengan mentalitas ini. Ini hanya dianjurkan untuk mereka yang memiliki karakter alternatif atas tingkat 90 dengan banyak koin (dalam kisaran ratus juta) untuk membuang sekitar untuk mengoptimalkan membangun ini. Salah satu yang terbaik yang layak pilihan PvE pasca lvl -70.
Growth Chart
Skill Level 1: 0
Skill Level 2: 1
Skill Level 3: 3
Skill Level 4: 6
Skill Level 5: 10
Skill Level 6: 15
Skill Level 7: 21
Skill Level 8: 28
Skill Level 9: 36
Skill Level 10: 45
Example Use: Skill Level = 10, Growth*7 = 45*7.
Twin Strike Range Melee
Mana (-5+7*skill level)
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 0.9 seconds
CoolDown 3.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Require Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
A stabbing thrust with both daggers.
Deals base physical damage plus (-41.2++).
Assault Focus Priority - Low: Early on, this skill is pointless, but later on used when in aerial combat as a starter attack to minimize range between player and target to compensate for the slow acceleration of wings to get into attack range. The ONLY viable replacement for normal attacks once Chill of the Deep reaches a very high level. On later note, around level 50, when used twice in 6 seconds, the damage on par with Slipstream if brought to level 10.
Defense Focus Priority - None: Pointless skill, no added defensive bonus.
PvP Focus Priority - Very Low: Subtle skill that adds damage quickly before the opponent runs. A rather unexpected move, but more useful than normal attacks when high level Chill of the Deep is active.
Speed Focus Priority - None: No speed bonus.
Puncture Wound Range 4.5 meters
Mana (-2.2+5.6*skill level)
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 1.8 seconds
CoolDown 8.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Require Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
Deals base physical damage plus (50+5*skill level)% of weapon damage.
Causes the target to bleed for (-105.5++) physical damage over 9 seconds.
Assault Focus Priority - Highest: The strongest skill in terms of damage over time. Always within the first 3 attacks those with this focus uses.
Defense Focus Priority - Highest: One of the few attack skills worth investing in due to it's sheer power. Usually used prior to Deep Sting.
PvP Focus Priority - High: One of the critical attack skills in PvP. Deady and Effective.
Speed Focus Priority - Low: The added bonus is nice, but it's very slow and MP can be used for something else.
Slipstream Strike Range Melee
Mana (1.7+8.4*skill level)
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 1.9 seconds
CoolDown 6.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Require Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
A powerful strike with the full force of the arm.
Deals base physical damage plus
(50+5*skill level)% of weapon damage plus (35.1++).
Assault Focus Priority - Highest: Highest immediate damaging skill. Nothing more needs to be said.
Defense Focus Priority - Very High: One of the few attack skills worthwhile in leveling due to it's sheer power.
PvP Focus Priority - High: Very fast quick damage, but might scare off some people due to the damage efficiency.
Speed Focus Priority - None: Waste of MP and Spirit.
Raving Slash Range Melee
Mana (5.6+7*skill level)
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 1.5 seconds
CoolDown 8.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Require Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Deals a damage equals to your basic attack plus
(83.5++) physical damage.
Decreases target movement speed by (30+2*skill level)%. Lasts for 5 seconds.
Costs 30 Chi.
Assault Focus Priority - Low: Moderate Damage and costs a decent amount of Chi. Decreasing movement speed is only useful for kiting mobs.
Defense Focus Priority - Low: Best used for kiting while recovering some HP.
PvP Focus Priority - High: One of the most annoying things in PvP is when people try to run from you. Slowing them down will definitely help you catch them.
Speed Focus Priority - None: Costs Chi. Saving for a spark is more effective than this.
Tide Form Range Self
Mana (20*skill level)
Cast instant
CoolDown 15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Require Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Transform into a fish.
Increases your Defense Level by (5+0.5*skill level)
and your Swim speed by (20+6*skill level)%.
Only available in water.
Assault Focus Priority - None: Does not allow usage of skills.
Defense Focus Priority - None: Decent Defense bonus, but the lack of attack skills can be rather painful.
PvP Focus Priority - Low: When on the run or chasing those who dive into the water, the defense bonus will help with the flee and the swim speed can help chase down opponent and help flee nixes.
Speed Focus Priority - High: Added Defense Bonus in addition to your already fast attacks. What's not to like?
Shadow Walk Range Self
Mana 20
Channel 0.7 seconds
Cast 2.8 seconds
CoolDown 6.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Require Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Enter stealth mode.
Increases Stealth Level by (1*skill level).
Enemies with an Awareness Level lower than your Stealth Level can not see you.
Costs (25-1*skill level) mana per second.
Only usable when out of combat.
Assault Focus Priority - None: Doesn't do damage and is MP heavy. No real effective use for this skill.
Defense Focus Priority - Low: Allows you to close into targets unseen at a cost. Something to be considered when other skills normally used to close into targets are still going through cooldown.
PvP Focus Priority - Medium: Used rather often, thus warrants some spirit to save some MP for attack skills.
Speed Focus Priority - None: Too much MP used.
Wolf Emblem Range Self
Mana (25+1.5*skill level)
Cast instant
CoolDown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Dagger
Require Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Increases your critical strike damage by (10+2*skill level)%.
Lasts 30 seconds.
Assault Focus Priority - Very Low: Adds damage, but it is very chanced at low levels due to critical hit rate. A more stable attack skill is more effective than this skill.
Defense Focus Priority - Low: Low MP cost and adds additional damage occasionally. Efficient in optimizing the damage of the few attack skills you might have.
PvP Focus Priority - Medium: Throwing in that one very fatal critical hit is a very satisfying thing.
Speed Focus Priority - Medium: No channel and cast time. Low MP cost, adds chi, and adds damage. Definitely something to be warranted.
Wind Push Range Self
Mana (10+5*skill level)
Cast instant
CoolDown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Require Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Increases own movement speed by (50+5*skill level)%,
Lasts for 10 seconds.
Assault Focus Priority - Very Low: Speeding up is nice, but not enough to sacrifice attacks for.
Defense Focus Priority - Very Low: Not very defensive.
PvP Focus Priority - None: PvP Opponents rarely stay on the ground, thus a pointless skill to level past 1.
Speed Focus Priority - Low: Closes the gap between monsters, no biggie.
Deep Sting Range Melee
Mana (23.5+8.4*skill level)
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 0.8 seconds
CoolDown 15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Require Cultivation Aware of Principle
Deals a damage equals to your basic attack plus
(107.3++<="" style="font-family: tahoma;"> physical damage.
Has a (85+1*skill level)% chance to bring target to sleep for 5 seconds.
Costs 50 Chi
Assault Focus Priority - None: Not very powerful, only warrants 1 level to interrupt casts.
Defense Focus Priority - Very Low: Interrupting Casts can save you on some HP, especially to close in magical monsters. Used right after Puncture Wounds in order to minimize damage taken and optimize damage given.
PvP Focus Priority - High: Stop opponents in place with lower chance of failure. Useful in stopping opponents in place for a strong attack, letting your HP charm cool down, and letting Bleed do it's work.
Speed Focus Priority - None: Costs far too much chi. Avoid at all costs.
Focused Mind Range Self
Mana (56+7*skill level)
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 1.6 seconds
CoolDown 90.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Require Cultivation Aware of Principle
Increases your chance to evade enemy skills by (10+1.5*skill level)%,
Lasts for (30+3*skill level) seconds.
Focused Mind shares a 90 second cooldown with Tidal Protection.
Assault Focus Priority - Very Low: Doesn't increase damage at all. Extremely long cooldown. Leveling does not increase the % enough to warrant levels early on.
Defense Focus Priority - High: Reduces normal attacks from monsters to 1. Leveling it extends how long it is effective and how many more hits can be dodged.
PvP Focus Priority - Very High: Irritate the living heck out of heavy skillers by dodging their attacks, lasts long enough for one kill, always.
Speed Focus Priority - Low: Low Chi builder, that's it.
Knife Throw Range (20+1.5*skill level) meters
Mana 10+5*skill level
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
CoolDown 15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Require Cultivation Aware of Principle
Throw your dagger at the target.
Deals base physical damage plus (98.3++).
Has a (40+3*skill level)% chance to interrupt channeling.
Assault Focus Priority - Very Low: Damage is far too low to warrant any levels and it's cooldown is horribly long.
Defense Focus Priority - Medium: Adds an attack beforehand and can interrupt spell casts. Rather useful for the monsters that try to kite you and cast at the same time.
PvP Focus Priority - Very High: There are a lot of casters in PvP and a whole lot of those that run away. Might as well punish them for that.
Speed Focus Priority - None: Build little chi and spark right before they get to you, nothing special.
Dagger of Devotion Range Passive
Require Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Increases damage dealt by daggers by (6*skill level)%.
Assault Focus Priority - Very High: Optimize Damage
Defense Focus Priority - Very High: Optimize Damage
PvP Focus Priority - Very High: Optimize Damage
Speed Focus Priority - Very High: Optimize Damage
Rib Strike Range Melee
Mana (100+5.6*skill level)
Channel 0.3 seconds
Cast 1.9 seconds
CoolDown 8.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Require Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Stab up under the enemy's ribs.
Deals base physical damage plus
(50+5)% of weapon damage plus (990.8++).
Reduce target's attack speed by (25+2.5*skill level)% for 30 seconds.
Assault Focus Priority - Very High: Your third most powerful skill early on, used within the first 3 attacks to optimize damage with some added defense bonus.
Defense Focus Priority - Very High: Drastically lowers enemy attack speed, lowering the damage taken and optimizing the damage given.
PvP Focus Priority - High: Half the game are casters; they're very squishy and don't use normal attacks at all. For the classes that do use normal attacks though, this is a priceless skill to have. So you have to decide between killing squishies and killing slowpokes to determine how much you want this skill.
Speed Focus Priority - None: Waste of MP that can be used for Chi Skills.
Shadow Escape Range Self
Mana 100
Channel 0.7 seconds
Cast 2.8 seconds
CoolDown 90.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Require Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Force yourself into stealth. Dispel all negative status.
Increases Stealth Level by (1*skill level).
Enemies with an Awareness Level lower than your Stealth Level can not see you.
Costs (25-1*skill level) Mana per second.
A successful cast will increase one Spark.
NOTE: Does not remove many debuffs.
Assault Focus Priority - None: Build Chi and potentially escape additional monsters, that's it.
Defense Focus Priority - Very Low: Builds Chi and Avoids additional monsters that do not need to be killed at that point in time.
PvP Focus Priority - Medium: Builds Chi, forces opponent to lose target of you, and extending the time you can remain in this state.
Speed Focus Priority - Low: Builds Chi and reduces the amount it costs to build that Chi.
Sharp Observer Range Passive
Require Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Increases your Awareness Level by (2*skill level).
Assault Focus Priority - None: Monsters don't hide.
Defense Focus Priority - None: Monsters don't hide.
PvP Focus Priority - High: Fellow hiding Assassins can be annoying.
Speed Focus Priority - Low: Fellow hiding RPK Assassins can be annoying.
Cat-like Thread Range Passive
Require Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Increases your Stealth level by (2*skill level).
Assault Focus Priority - None: Why hide when you can fight.
Defense Focus Priority - Low: Allows you to avoid fights with unnecessary monsters.
PvP Focus Priority - Very High: Being able to hide from higher level opponents can always lend an edge to the kill.
Speed Focus Priority - None: If you have to hide, it's probably not worth killing.